The sprinkling may be done once early in morning and again before retiring to bed at night.

Start new seeds at three-day intervals for a continuous fresh supply of edible sprouts. Sprouts can be grown for various periods of time ranging from 3 to 10 days depending on the type of seeds used. Wooden kegs or metal cans may be used but these may alter flavor. Mung beans seeds can be sprouted in many different containers glass jars, crocks, plastic pans, or cement vats are most common. Treated seeds are not edible and can be recognized by the coating of pink or green dust on the seed coat.) ( Caution: Regardless of the source, do not use seeds that have been treated with a fungicide. Mung bean seeds can be purchased from mail-order commercial seed companies and health food chain stores.

Sprouts can be canned or frozen in addition to eating them fresh. These sprouts have nutrient value similar to asparagus and mushrooms, which contain high quantities of Vitamin A. Sprouts from mung bean ( Phaseolus aureus) have been used for food since ancient times.